Sunday, 29 September 2024

Bloom Brighter Than The Sun


      My mother's kiss felt like the touch of the sun; life-giving and deeply encouraging. She brought me into this world like a florist aching to grow a rare special plant. I grew up under someone else's care and I ended up running my roots deeper instead of raising another leaf. Her so-called special plant is now about to open the sixteenth door. Now, join me as I show you the flesh that makes up the whole me! 

     Hello there, friend! I am Mhyrnelin L. Tacud, the sun's one and only ray of light! I was four when my Mom decided that it was best for her to work abroad in order to support her unica ija. I grew up stacking my interests in many things. With that, I gained numerous skills like writing poems, drawing, dancing, playing billiard pool, and singing but only when I am alone. I discovered more talents that existed in me over the years and I am still learning to embrace them. I made and lost friends as my age stepped up, and I learned many things in the process. I've been told that I possess features of a flower, daisies to be exact, and weird enough that I dear daisies a lot! Daisies are often seen symbolizing cheerfulness. I would describe myself as cheerful for the reason that I choose to be positive most of the time. Daisies can also display new beginnings which stands well with my personality. I just don't give up. With the skills that I gained as I breathed through the years, I am going to use them and become the best version of myself for every day that passes by. We still have to try and reach the sun's expectations, we have to work hard! 


     Possessing a withered body, we struggle to keep up with the light that the sun provides. That is why we tend to drown sometimes. The universe has always been unfair, we just learned to adapt to the fact that we felt warm in the cold water because we used to be on the brink of freezing our flesh. It is enigmatic to understand the shifting of energies that surround us. This is why we often trip and fall to our knees. But for me, I refuse to fail. I will keep on pursuing what I need to be in order to bloom under the sun. I will stand up every time the universe plans to trip me with its fabric. I might feel a sense of trepidation, but I won't let it stop me. I will feel my Mother's blood flow through my veins and understand that I am her only daughter and that I need to be strong. So slowly, my eyes are going to meet books, and my brain shall be friends with them. And slowly, I will bloom, and if I fail, I can just bloom again. I am my Mother's special flower. With her help, I am going to bloom brighter than the rising sunshine, my Mother. 

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